Tips & Tricks ============= Scaling a :class:`~procset.ProcSet` ----------------------------------- Assuming a :class:`~procset.ProcSet` represents a set of processors with many cores, one may create the set of cores with the following snippet: .. code:: python def upscale(pset, factor): return procset.ProcSet( *map( lambda itv: (itv.inf * factor, (itv.sup + 1) * factor - 1), pset.intervals() ) ) Dumping to JSON --------------- The :class:`~procset.ProcSet` object does not provide a JSON serialization method. The main reason for this is that the canonical string representation is enough to store all the information, and allows for portability of the serialization. The following snippet might come handy to export a :class:`~procset.ProcSet` to JSON. .. code:: python import json import procset class ProcSetJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, procset.ProcSet): return str(obj) # use canonical string representation return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) json.dumps({'alloc': procset.ProcSet((0, 3))}, cls=ProcSetJSONEncoder) For more advanced usages, see the standard module :mod:`json`, or the third-party package `jsonpickle `_.