Source code for procset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright © 2017—2019
# Contributed by Raphaël Bleuse <>
# This file is part of, a pure python module to manage sets of
# closed intervals.
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 only
#   as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License version 3 along with this program.  If not, see
#   <>.

Toolkit to manage sets of closed intervals.

This implementation requires intervals bounds to be non-negative integers. This
design choice has been made as procset aims at managing resources for
scheduling. Hence, the manipulated intervals can be represented as indexes.

import operator as _operator

class ProcInt(tuple):
    """A ProcInt is a closed interval of non-negative integers."""

    __slots__ = ()

    __NEW_SENTINEL = object()  # sentinel for optional sup

    def __new__(cls, inf, sup=__NEW_SENTINEL):
        """Create new instance of ProcInt(inf, sup)."""
        if not isinstance(inf, int):
            raise TypeError('{}() argument inf must be int'.format(cls.__name__))
        if sup is cls.__NEW_SENTINEL:
            sup = inf
        if not isinstance(sup, int):
            raise TypeError('{}() argument sup must be int'.format(cls.__name__))
        if inf > sup:
            raise ValueError('Invalid interval bounds')
        if inf < 0:
            raise ValueError('Invalid negative bound(s)')
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (inf, sup))

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return tuple(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return a nicely formatted representation string."""
        return '{}(inf={!r}, sup={!r})'.format(type(self).__name__, *self)

    def __str__(self):
        return format(self)

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        if len(format_spec) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid format specifier')
        if self.inf == self.sup:
            return str(self.inf)
        insep = format_spec or '-'
        return insep.join(map(str, self))

    def __len__(self):
        return self.sup - self.inf + 1

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return self.inf <= item <= self.sup

    inf = property(_operator.itemgetter(0), doc='Alias for field number 0')

    sup = property(_operator.itemgetter(1), doc='Alias for field number 1')

class _Sentinel:
    """Helper class whose instances are greater than any object."""

    __slots__ = ()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return False

    __le__ = __eq__

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return True

    __ge__ = __gt__

[docs]class ProcSet: """ Set of non-overlapping (i.e., disjoint) non-negative integer intervals. """ __slots__ = ('_itvs', ) def __init__(self, *intervals): """ A ProcSet can be initialized with either nothing (empty set), any number of non-negative integer, any number of :class:`ProcInt`-compatible iterable (iterable of exactly two :class:`int`), any number of ProcSet, or any combination of such objects. The resulting ProcSet is the union of all the intervals passed to the constructor. There is no restriction on the domains of the intervals passed to the constructor: the domains may overlap. """ self._itvs = [] # list of disjoint intervals, in increasing order for new_itvs in map(self._as_itvs, intervals): self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, new_itvs, _operator.or_))
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, string, insep="-", outsep=" "): """ Build a ProcSet from a string representation of an interval set. The parsed string need not to be in canonical form. :param str string: \ string representation to parse :param str insep: \ delimiter character between the boundaries of a single interval (defaults to ``-``, ascii dash symbol ``0x2d``) :param str outsep: \ delimiter character between two intervals (defaults to ``␣``, ascii space symbol ``0x20``) """ if not isinstance(string, str): raise TypeError( 'from_str() argument 2 must be str, not {}'.format(type(string).__name__) ) # empty string is parsed as empty ProcSet if not string: return cls() try: raw_bounds = ( map(int, itv.split(sep=insep, maxsplit=1)) for itv in string.split(sep=outsep) ) intervals = (ProcInt(*bounds) for bounds in raw_bounds) return cls(*intervals) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Invalid interval format, parsed string is: \'{}\''.format(string) ) from None
def __str__(self): return format(self) def __format__(self, format_spec): if format_spec: try: insep, outsep = format_spec except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid format specifier') from None else: insep, outsep = '- ' return outsep.join(format(itv, insep) for itv in self._itvs) def __repr__(self): compact = lambda itv: str(tuple(itv)) if len(itv) > 1 else str(itv.inf) args = (compact(itv) for itv in self._itvs) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(args)) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the processors in the ProcSet by increasing order.""" # as self._itvs is sorted by increasing order, we can directly yield for itv in self._itvs: yield from range(itv.inf, itv.sup + 1) def __reversed__(self): """Iterate over the processors in the ProcSet by decreasing order.""" # as self._itvs is sorted in increasing order, we yield from the # reversed iterator for itv in reversed(self._itvs): yield from reversed(range(itv.inf, itv.sup + 1))
[docs] def iter_slice(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None): """ Iterate over the processors in the ProcSet from *start* (included) to *stop* (excluded) by steps of *step*. """ cur, stop, step = slice(start, stop, step).indices(len(self)) if step > 0: for itv in self._itvs: if stop <= cur: # early termination: no more matching items break while cur < len(itv) and cur < stop: # exhaust current itv yield itv.inf + cur cur += step # switch to new itv cur -= len(itv) stop -= len(itv) else: # work from end when step is negative cur -= len(self) stop -= len(self) for itv in reversed(self._itvs): if stop >= cur: # early termination: no more matching items break # account for current itv shift cur += len(itv) stop += len(itv) while cur >= 0 and cur > stop: # exhaust current itv yield itv.inf + cur cur += step # step is negative
def __contains__(self, item): """Check if item is in the ProcSet.""" if self._itvs: low, high = 0, len(self._itvs) while low < high: mid = (low + high) // 2 if item in self._itvs[mid]: return True elif item < self._itvs[mid].inf: high = mid else: low = mid + 1 return False def __eq__(self, other): # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._itvs == other._itvs def __bool__(self): return bool(self._itvs) def __len__(self): """Return the number of processors contained in the ProcSet.""" return sum(len(itv) for itv in self._itvs)
[docs] def count(self): """Return the number of disjoint intervals in the ProcSet.""" return len(self._itvs)
[docs] def iscontiguous(self): """Return ``True`` if the ProcSet is made of a unique interval.""" return self.count() <= 1
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): """ Return ``True`` if the ProcSet has no processor in common with *other*. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): try: other = type(self)(*other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented # A naive implementation would test the truthiness of the intersection # set. However, one does not care about the intersection set. It is # sufficient to test if the generator returned by _merge is empty. _sentinel = object() # pylint: disable=protected-access _first = next(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.and_), _sentinel) return _first is _sentinel
def _issubset(self, other): return self & other == self
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """Test whether every element in the ProcSet is in *other*.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): try: other = type(self)(*other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return self._issubset(other)
def __le__(self, other): """Test whether every element in the ProcSet is in *other*.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return self._issubset(other) def __lt__(self, other): """ Test whether the ProcSet is a proper subset of *other*, that is ``self <= other`` and ``self != other``. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return self._issubset(other) and self != other
[docs] def issuperset(self, other): """Test whether every element in *other* is in the ProcSet.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): try: other = type(self)(*other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access return other._issubset(self)
def __ge__(self, other): """Test whether every element in *other* is in the ProcSet.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access return other._issubset(self) def __gt__(self, other): """ Test whether the ProcSet is a proper superset of *other*, that is ``self >= other`` and ``self != other``. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access return other._issubset(self) and self != other @staticmethod def _flatten(itvs): """Generate the (flat) list of interval bounds contained in itvs.""" for itv in itvs: # use inf as is yield False, itv.inf # convert sup, as merging operations are made with half-open # intervals yield True, itv.sup + 1 @classmethod def _merge_core(cls, left_itvs, right_itvs, keeppredicate): """ Generate the (flat) list of interval bounds of the requested merge. The implementation is inspired by """ endbound = False sentinel = _Sentinel() # pylint: disable=protected-access lflat = cls._flatten(left_itvs) rflat = cls._flatten(right_itvs) lend, lhead = next(lflat, (False, sentinel)) rend, rhead = next(rflat, (False, sentinel)) head = min(lhead, rhead) while head < sentinel: inleft = (head < lhead) == lend inright = (head < rhead) == rend keep = keeppredicate(inleft, inright) if keep ^ endbound: endbound = not endbound yield head if head == lhead: lend, lhead = next(lflat, (False, sentinel)) if head == rhead: rend, rhead = next(rflat, (False, sentinel)) head = min(lhead, rhead) @classmethod def _merge(cls, left_itvs, right_itvs, keeppredicate): """ Generate the ProcInt list of the requested merge. The returned iterator is supposed to be assigned to the _itvs attribute of the result ProcSet. See the difference(), intersection(), symmetric_difference(), and union() methods for an usage example. """ flat_merge = cls._merge_core(left_itvs, right_itvs, keeppredicate) # Note that we are feeding the same iterable twice to zip. # The iterated bounds are hence grouped by pairs (lower and upper # bounds of the intervals). # As zip() stops on the shortest iterable, it won't consider the # optional terminating sentinel (the sentinel would be the last # element, and would have an odd index). for inf, sup in zip(flat_merge, flat_merge): yield ProcInt(inf, sup - 1) # convert back to closed intervals
[docs] def union(self, *others): """Return a new ProcSet with elements from the ProcSet and all others.""" result = self.copy() for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(result._merge(result._itvs, other, _operator.or_)) return result
def __or__(self, other): """Return a new ProcSet with elements from the ProcSet and *other*.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # We directly assign result._itvs as self._merge(…) returns a valid # _itvs list. This is the same as ProcSet(*self._merge(…)), minus the # input validation step. result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.or_)) return result
[docs] def intersection(self, *others): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements common to the ProcSet and all others. """ result = self.copy() for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(result._merge(result._itvs, other, _operator.and_)) return result
def __and__(self, other): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements common to the ProcSet and *other*. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # We directly assign result._itvs as self._merge(…) returns a valid # _itvs list. This is the same as ProcSet(*self._merge(…)), minus the # input validation step. result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.and_)) return result @staticmethod def _difference_operator(inleft, inright): return inleft and not inright
[docs] def difference(self, *others): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements in the ProcSet that are not in the others. """ result = self.copy() for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(result._merge(result._itvs, other, self._difference_operator)) return result
def __sub__(self, other): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements in the ProcSet that are not in *other*. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # We directly assign result._itvs as self._merge(…) returns a valid # _itvs list. This is the same as ProcSet(*self._merge(…)), minus the # input validation step. result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list( self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, self._difference_operator) ) return result
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements in either the ProcSet or *other*, but not in both. """ result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(result._merge(self._itvs, self._as_itvs(other), _operator.xor)) return result
def __xor__(self, other): """ Return a new ProcSet with elements in either the ProcSet or *other*, but not in both. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # We directly assign result._itvs as self._merge(…) returns a valid # _itvs list. This is the same as ProcSet(*self._merge(…)), minus the # input validation step. result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.xor)) return result
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a new ProcSet with a shallow copy of the ProcSet.""" # We directly assign result._itvs as self._itvs is a valid list. Note # that a ProcSet is nothing more than a container with some extra # methods, and a given structure. As the current implementation relies # on the _itvs list, copying a ProcSet is the same as copying the _itvs # list. Hence, we need to ensure a new _itvs list is created (and not # just a reference to self._itvs). As _itvs is a list of ProcInt, a # shallow copy is the same as a deep copy. result = type(self)() # pylint: disable=protected-access result._itvs = self._itvs.copy() return result
__copy__ = copy # ensure compatibility with standard module copy def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Optimized version of __deepcopy__ for ProcSet. # /!\ This optimization is implementation specific /!\ # The classic __deepcopy__ implementation can be bypassed because a # ProcInt is an immutable structure: there is no need to use the # generic and complex implementation of deepcopy for tuples that may # contain mutables. return self.copy()
[docs] def update(self, *others): """Update the ProcSet, adding elements from all others.""" for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other, _operator.or_)) return self
insert = update # backward compatibility alias def __ior__(self, other): """Update the ProcSet, adding elements from *other*.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.or_)) return self
[docs] def intersection_update(self, *others): """ Update the ProcSet, keeping only elements found in the ProcSet and all others. """ for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other, _operator.and_)) return self
def __iand__(self, other): """ Update the ProcSet, keeping only elements found in the ProcSet and *other*. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.and_)) return self
[docs] def difference_update(self, *others): """Update the ProcSet, removing elements found in others.""" for other in map(self._as_itvs, others): self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other, self._difference_operator)) return self
discard = difference_update # convenience alias def __isub__(self, other): """Update the ProcSet, removing elements found in *other*.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, self._difference_operator)) return self
[docs] def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): """ Update the ProcSet, keeping only elements found in either the ProcSet or *other*, but not in both. """ self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, self._as_itvs(other), _operator.xor)) return self
def __ixor__(self, other): """ Update the ProcSet, keeping only elements found in either the ProcSet or *other*, but not in both. """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented # pylint: disable=protected-access self._itvs = list(self._merge(self._itvs, other._itvs, _operator.xor)) return self
[docs] def clear(self): """Empty the ProcSet, removing all elements from it.""" self._itvs = []
def __getitem_int(self, index): assert isinstance(index, int) cur = index if cur >= 0: for itv in self._itvs: if cur < len(itv): return itv.inf + cur cur -= len(itv) else: for itv in reversed(self._itvs): if cur >= -len(itv): return itv.sup + 1 + cur cur += len(itv) raise IndexError('{} index out of range'.format(type(self).__name__)) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, int): return self.__getitem_int(index) if isinstance(index, slice): return list(self.iter_slice(index.start, index.stop, index.step)) raise TypeError( '{} indices must be integers or slices, not {}'.format( type(self).__name__, type(index).__name__ ) ) __setitem__ = None # it makes no sense to 'modify' a processor def __delitem__(self, index): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def aggregate(self): """ Return a new ProcSet that is the convex hull of the ProcSet. The convex hull of an empty ProcSet is the empty ProcSet. The convex hull of a non-empty ProcSet is the contiguous ProcSet made of the smallest unique interval containing all intervals from the non-empty ProcSet. """ if self._itvs: return type(self)(ProcInt(self.min, self.max)) return type(self)()
[docs] def intervals(self): """ Return an iterator over the intervals of the ProcSet in increasing order. """ return iter(self._itvs)
@property def min(self): """The first processor in the ProcSet (in increasing order).""" try: return self._itvs[0].inf except IndexError: raise ValueError('Empty ProcSet') from None @property def max(self): """The last processor in the ProcSet (in increasing order).""" try: return self._itvs[-1].sup except IndexError: raise ValueError('Empty ProcSet') from None @staticmethod def _as_procint(elem): """Yield elem as a ProcInt.""" try: # ProcInt-compatible (iterable of exactly 2 int) inf, sup = elem except ValueError: raise TypeError( 'Incompatible iterable, expected an iterable of exactly 2 int' ) from None except TypeError: # single point (non-negative int) inf, sup = elem, elem yield ProcInt(inf, sup) @classmethod def _as_itvs(cls, other): """Iterate over other as an _itvs list.""" if isinstance(other, cls): # pylint: disable=protected-access yield from other._itvs else: yield from cls._as_procint(other)